A Generation Drawing Sage Huang Binhong (Collection Edition)
--Xiling Celebrated Masters Series
Published by Zhejiang Culture and Art Audio-visual Publishing House, 2003
Medium: 1 VCD disc
Narration: Mandarin Chinese
ISRC: CNE140300090
Huang Binhong (1865 - 1955)
Born in East China's Zhejiang Province in 1865, He was the grandson of artist Huang Fengliu. He began to study traditional landscape painting when he was 6 years old. In his youth, Huang traveled and spent many years teaching at art colleges in Shanghai, Beijing and Hangzhou. Hang Binhong came to Hangzhou in 1848 to be the professor of the National Arts Vocational School and later the Central Fine Arts Academy.
He is considered one of the last innovators in the literati style of painting and is noted for his freehand landscapes, was well versed in the works of the great masters of the past and followed many of their techniques. He experimented with traditional techniques in the use of ink, including shading and layering. He achieved a simple yet profound effect in his landscapes by the use of thick dark ink over which he applied light or heavy coloring. His landscape paintings featured 'black, dense, thick and heavy'. He applied ink layer by layer so that brightness could be seen through the density. Huang's work is known for its powerful brushwork and his fresh approach to composition, incorporated fresh ideas into traditional Chinese painting. He was the modern embodiment of the literati ideal. Huang and his contemporary Qi Baishi became known by the sobriquets Huang of the South and Qi of the North.
He was also an art theorist and art historian, who He wrote down his theories in books like Origins Of Yellow Mountain Painters, Talks About Paintings, An Outline Of Chinese Paintings and A Survey Of Ancient Seals.
This documentary represents Mr. Huang Binhong's abundant life of art study and development, and largely displays his famous paintings and styles in different periods.
一代画圣黄宾虹 (珍藏版)
黄宾虹(1865-1955)名质,字朴存。祖籍安徽歙县,生于浙江金华。我国现代的艺术大师和美术教育家。早年为贡生,酷画,任小官吏。后弃官参加反清活动。1907年逃亡上海,后任编辑、记者,并在昌明艺专、新华艺专、上海美专任教授。 1937年赴北平,任北平艺专教授。1948年来杭,历任国立艺专、中央美院华东分院教授、中央美院民族美术研究所所长、华东美术家协会副主席。华东行政委员会在他90寿辰时颁发荣誉奖,誉为“中国人民优秀的画家”。
黄宾虹先生是近代中国最著名的国画大师之一,与齐白石并称“北齐南黄”。擅山水,诗书亦精绝,长于美术史论、美术教育。他的山水画浑厚华滋,黑密厚重,创“五笔七墨”法,是我国山水画史上,一次对自然的观察方法和表现技法创新,其开创了一代艺术新风。他满怀创作热情游历大川,以“中华大地无山不美,无水不丽”抒发爱国情怀。以 “不读万卷书、不行万里路、不求修养之高,无以言境界”为座右铭。黄宾虹先生是一位学者型的画家,绘画创作有明确的理论指导,作画是他的一种思考方式,他曾说“山水乃写自然之性,亦写吾人之心。”“画者能奇其中神韵,才是真画,徒取形影如案头置盆景。非真画也。”他的作品是民族艺术的瑰宝。有人在评论黄宾虹的艺术成就时,说他“巧在妙造”,“奇在智取”,在他那“墨墨铁黑”的画中,那种“设奇置巧”的例子是枚不胜举的。例如:在他的作品《山居图》、《九华山色》、《蜀山纪游》等中都能见到。黄宾虹先生对中国美术史作出了极大贡献,他在海内外享有极高的艺术声望,并被誉为“一代画圣”。出版有多种画册,著有《黄宾虹诗草》、《古画微》、《黄山画源流考》、《画学通论》等。